ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ITP-115: Programming in Python


ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design


ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design


ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ACAD-276: Dev II

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ACAD-276: Dev II

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation

ITP-115: Programming in Python

ACAD-245: Fundamentals of Product Design

ACAD-230: Introduction to Interactive Physical Computing

ITP-115: Programming in Python


ACAD-276: Dev II

ACAD-324: The Practice of Design, Ideation to Innovation